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Working with Django Forms
Working with Django Forms

In this article, we are going to discuss how to create forms the Django way, how to create new resources, update …

How to Send Emails with Django
How to Send Emails with Django

In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of sending emails in Django. From configuring the email settings to …

How to Set Up a Web Server
How to Set Up a Web Server

In this article, we are going to discuss how you can prepare your web server so that it is ready to host your …

Create a Modern Application with Django and Vue #3
Create a Modern Application with Django and Vue #3

Now that you know how to retrieve data using queries and how to send data using mutations, you can try something a …

Create a Modern Application with Django and Vue #2
Create a Modern Application with Django and Vue #2

In part two, we are going to talk about how to connect the backend and the frontend using GraphQL. GraphQL is a REST API …

Create a Modern Application with Django and Vue #1
Create a Modern Application with Django and Vue #1

In this tutorial, we are going to discuss how to create a modern web application using Django as the backend, Vue as the …

How to Deploy a Django Project
How to Deploy a Django Project

In this article, we'll talk about how to deploy a Django project manually on a Linux server with uWSGI and Nginx.

Django for Beginners #5
Django for Beginners #5

In this article, we’ll add some optional advanced features for our Django blog website, including a paginator, related …

Django for Beginners #4
Django for Beginners #4

Finally, it is time for us to create a complete blog application using Django. In the previous article, we explored how …

Django for Beginners #3
Django for Beginners #3

In this article, we will dig deeper and find out how the URL dispatchers, models, views, and templates can work together …

Django for Beginners #2
Django for Beginners #2

Django is a web dev framework designed based on the MTV (Model-Template-View) structure. In this article, we are going …

Django for Beginners #1
Django for Beginners #1

Django is a Python-based web framework that allows you to create a web application quickly. In this tutorial, we will …

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